From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Dreams on the wing...

Well at least it only rained for half the day instead of all of it today! Nothing much to report I'm afraid. It was just all work. Wild excitement! I had an email from Mike Slater mid morning telling me the 'post it' pads had arrived but there was no sign of the coat stand yet. I'm not chasing up a dratted coat stand from up here anyway. I'll worry about that thing when I am back in the office for a day or so next week.

So it was a morning of setting up new trainer records for people running Solihull training courses and finishing off a report I'd finally got to hang together OK late yesterday. Mom went next door to Dot and Jim's to check for post - they are in Florida until the the end of March I think - and mom has carried on dad's tradition of sending urgent mail items off to them. She saw the postie on the way back and managed to catch him while he was just writing the 'While you were out card....' to put through our letterbox! Ha! So, I got my wireless mouse after all. It's the best mouse I have ever had actually with no software to install!

Oh dear... I am definitely turning into a sad old bat if I get excited about a mouse. Still I suppose it's better than thinking of the rat under the shed in Brum. Hopefully, one of the local cats will have taken it back to its loving owner as a present by the time I return on Saturday evening.

Anyway, I was finished work before 4pm and mom and I headed up the road towards TK Maxx with a bag of bread for the seagulls. It was raining when we started off but ten minutes later the sky was blue and the sun put an appearance in to brighten the chilly afternoon. I thought I'd make the most of the light today, showing Ayr Town Hall looming up on the left for a change. I'm sure my feathered friends will be a bit more chatty as the week goes on.

Track? Here's one of my favourite Gary Moore numbers - The Loner

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