Construction at a Snowstill

Conditions were surreal in New York City this morning, with freezing rain and slippery sidewalks. It improved a bit this afternoon, and I ventured on the subway downtown to two galleries on West 21st and 24th Streets exhibiting large-scale sculptures by Richard Serra. I have seen him several times previously, and this was well worth the effort.

Walking from one gallery to the next I passed this construction site at the corner of 21st Street and the West Side Highway (a four-lane street at that point). The image is a bit fuzzy in spots because it was through a small window in the high fence around the site. The creature on the wall in the rear is graffiti that must have been done from the roof of the adjoining building before it was torn down. It's fun to view in large.

I showed this image to Marylee before I posted it, asking her "What's this? She answered, "A power plant." As she then said, "Boys like looking at construction sites."

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