
By Transitoire

A Kat in Black and White

Today I went to Curiousitea for a coffee with Kat and Chandru. Was so nice to just see how everyone was getting on, and especially in a little bigger group too. I say a little bigger, it was literally the three of us...but as I know them both seperately as good friends, you sometimes forget to ask things and so having the extra person who is also asking the questions means you get to know more about what's going on. If that whole sentence makes any sense?

After seeing the two of them I was then joined by Andrew and Emily, then Sean a little later (as he had no bread he had to make a baked potato for lunch so was late as it took longer to make...Sean, named and shamed on here as the worse excuse for lateness ever!). We were doing the massive amount of group work that we had to get done for the essay class on Tuesday...but then ended up staying in Curiousitea to just complain about work, and also comment on what everyone was wearing for the Winter Graduation Ceremonies. Got to say, we weren't too impressed. But hey ho, hopefully when we all graduate we will look the epitomy of high fashion!

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