
By dsparks83

I love LAMP

This is a bit of coding, in this case some jQuery based javaScript for use on a website. It's not something I learnt in school, probably because coding wasn't that wide spread when I was at school, although I did mess around with macros in excel - windows 3.1. for those who remember. I also remember doing some stuff on BBC computers back in the day as well, 5 inch floppy discs and all that.

There's a video doing the rounds amongst some communities on twitter today showing a piece that news night did about the government in the UK wanting to get coding on the national curriculum. If you've not seen it it's here Teach children to write computer code.
I think it's a good initiative, more people coding is a good thing, it's a great skill to learn but the video above? It's actually quite laughable. How can the director of the year to code initiative not be able to code? Actually, that isn't the problem, how can the director of the year to code initiative not have a clue about coding? She doesn't, she comes across as ill informed and with very little in the way of anything more than superficial knowledge. If these are the people running the initiative to push it in to schools, under the belief you can learn to teach coding in a day and build a website in an afternoon, then it isn't going to work. Thankfully things like Code Club are providing a good basis in these things.

The title for this is for @MeantimeIt

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