
By dsparks83

Crown Green

This is Kendal Bowling club, crown green not ten pin of course. I imagine a lot of people in Kendal don't even know it exists let alone where it is. If you don't know it's behind Pride Health and Fitness, next to the snooker club - yes there's a snooker club as well.
My dad and granddad used to play occasionally, as kids we'd go to a working mans club on a Sunday afternoon with them and in the summer we'd get there a bit before opening and bowl for a little while. It was always great fun when they let us have a little go, the funny weighted balls and kneeling down technique felt strange.

But (and I'm going to make a massive generalisation here*) I don't have a general good outlook of those who play bowls. At the working mans club they often arrived and played bringing their own drinks and snacks and not using the facilities at the club apart from the greens. The place is now closed. More recently a pub in Widnes was bought and the new owner offered to continue the upkeep of the attached crown green and even provide a little sponsorship for the team. Again until it was found out that they were turning up with their own refreshments and not venturing in to support the pub that were generously providing their facilities. So that selfishness remains my outstanding view of those who partake of crown green bowls - maybe it's just a certain group and it's an unfair generalisation but sometimes impressions just stick.

*sorry to any nice bowlers out there.

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