Back to the Bridge

Late afternoon and the lighter days are starting to stretch. I felt a calling to the river and a shot I have taken many many times before but usually as you know I shoot it in monochrome. Today it felt like a little colour would be better and here is the result.

There was a little lift today as the exam results were posted and a solid pass, more than I expected. The unerring support and belief of my friend was vindicated and I cannot thank them for that. But today was the day some more questions were answered, What would it be like? Would it need sized? What am I talking about, a ring, a special ring, made by my friend for me that marks a journey shared and one that will go forever onwards. I was speechless when I saw it. It is beautiful, it is unique and I do not have the words to express how much this means to me for many many reasons.

I will endeavour to share it with you in time, my skills with a camera are not the best for shooting such a subject but I will try!!!! In the interim the river a little light ahead of the storms for the weekend but a little welcome sun for a little while. I was very sad to watch the farmers having to ship of their livestock as the floods engulfed their lands. It is a shocking indictment of the lack of action by the authorities to work on flood defences as the weather has worsened in recent years and now so many are paying a very high price for these failings. It is ironic that the adverts include appeals for those less fortunate abroad when we have hard working farmers and other small businesses literally sinking due to the devastation, maybe our politicians need to look long and hard £130Million wont go far to help these people recover and some may never having worked in some cases for generations to build stock. I am sorry for the rant...

I hope you enjoy the shot today and wherever you are you are safe from the storms...

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