One Man and His Dog

I don't often look at my own shots and instantly like them, but occasionally I get one of those one that I think is special, I think today is one of those days.

I thought this gentleman looked really interesting he was wandering by our river unconscious it seemed of the world around him.. He was whistling quietly to himself as he made his way with his trusty companion. As I watched them it was funny, they seemed to be like the odd couple, interdependent, but poles apart, together but both walking almost is if alone. I enjoyed watching them as they approached me,a smile on my face as I imagined a complicated man and canine relationship with each wondering what the other was doing there but it was obvious from the way the dog never strayed far from his master that there was a deep rooted love, the sort of love that only the deepest of friendships can display. Friendships like that come along but once and we must grasp them and never let them go.

I am not good at shooting people, you know I like my landscapes, they dont move and if you goof first time you can try agin, and again and often again until you get it right or as close to right as you can. This one was a single frame, the companions seemed to be looking opposite ways as if trying to disassociate themselves from one another and I loved it. The expression on the gentleman's face as he casually looked one way his attention caught by a noise on the other side of the road whilst his friend was contemplating a swan as it thinking about an excursion into the water to chase it. I wondered what the gent was thinking, he appeared lost in his own world, a wondrous place to be maybe or maybe a lonely place. I thought there was a sadness in his eyes but he was so interesting, the more I look at the shot the more I see.

I hope you enjoy the shot as much as I enjoyed watching this little scene play out. The odd couple ambled on together and were soon out of sight round the bend and gone. I didn't shoot anything else, I spent a lot of time enjoying the beautiful creation that adorns my finger, enjoying the feeling of solidity, connection and comfort it brings to me, I will try and share it with you soon...

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