creative lenna

By creativelenna

moving in

I got myself to made myself start unpacking the boxes and bins of kitchen stuff we had to pack away when we started our renovation 2 months ago. It is hard to do this unpacking & decision making but I decided just to start and give myself permission to change my mind of where to put things if my first idea didn't work. This kind of feels feels like when you move into a new place. But, I can already tell as I get started, that this is going to be a wonderful kitchen to work in. larger photo collage.

Steven made our first meal in the kitchen yesterday -he does a lot of the cooking, lucky me! But I thought while I was unpacking, I would make something. So, I used our new cook top for the first time myself to create a stew. I had a new pot to work with -a cast iron one. With the instruction manual in hand, I figured out how to use the induction cook top! It wasn't too hard and it made a beautiful stew in just a few hours time. I got my bread machine out and also made some french bread to go with it -used up all the bread flour we had -did not know we were so low! I needed to add 1/2 cup of wheat flour just to make the recipe work!! Steven said it was delicious . . . now when are you coming by, Beckett??? : ) 5 mins?? : ^ D

Besides this, I talked with our contractor Fred who finished up the painting and little odds and ends today. I also went outside and took some photos and a few deep breaths of our orange blossoms, mmmmm, my favorite! Doing this job is a slow, mind boggling, tiring process at times and I needed that sweetness! Now that I've populated some cupboards and drawers and have a bit of a plan, I feel more confident about returning to the task tomorrow. And while I have taken the time to write this journal entry very late (midnight) I have only managed viewing a few journals and not making many comments. I have read all of yours to me, and loved them. I know you understand, thank you <3

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