Delph Wynd Daily

By delphwynd

Fun Guy

Apparently not me anyway. I was unashamedly accused of being in a foul mood at the dinner table tonight by my daughter - maybe she meant 'fowl' mood as we were having chicken. Will give here the benefit of the doubt this time.

Not 'mushroom' in a busy schedule to get out and blip, especially with the downpours of heavy rain we had (captured brilliantly by a colleague). My blip-eye was drawn though to this batch of brightly coloured fungi that handily is right outside the entrance to my workplace. I tried to identify it (unsuccessfully) by looking online at some fungi-pedias and was amazed at some of the great names given to some of these things; Lemon Disco, Death Cap, Lawyer's Wig, Cramp Balls, Shaggy Scallycap, Razorstrop, Hairy Curtain Crust, Dead Man's Fingers and - my absolute favourite - Stinkhorn or Phallus impudicus. No need for a picture of that for those with a fertile imagination, but it did remind me of...

"He has a wife you know"

Now that's better. Crabbit no more.

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