One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


This guy was walking with a determination that is usually associated with brides-to-be who will powerwalk themselves into a wedding dress 2 sizes too small for them, because they buy it 6 months before the big day, and it's a good incentive to lose weight, and anyway they will get spray painted with a gorgeous tan so they will look fabulous, and anyway once they are married they can put the weight back on, and stop shaving their legs, and wear flesh-colour underwear.

Yes, this guy is on a mission.

My guess is that he is planning on going to an award ceremony soon and has just realized that his tux pants are two sizes too small.
It should not be a problem though.
As long as he picks the right shade of fake tan,

PS: I am not taking any cheap shot at Mrs Raheny here. She wore a gorgeous colourful dress bought 2 weeks before we got married, I don't think she ever shaved her legs (thus saving the household a fortune in long woolly socks) and she started wearing flesh-colour cotton underwear way before we got hitched...

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