
By KatPrice


All the journalism! Tash came down to visit from London today, was so wonderful to see her - I can't believe that I hadn't seen one of my best friends since July, it's criminal! We had a great catch-up and lots of journalism chat, hopefully going up to London on Monday to visit her at City to see what it's like.

Sian came over for dinner too, which was really nice, and the babe that she is she brought cheesecake. Sweet potato patties didn't turn out like I'd hoped but nobody seemed to mind.

Tash was actually back because she'd been asked to deliver a talk on journalism as part of Warwick Careers & Skills Employers Connect, and she did so well. So many speakers don't realise that we hear work experience ten times a day. We know we have to do work experience! Tash actually told us what to do while on work experience to get the most out of it, incredibly useful advice. This is her being all official and talky.

And finally, I sent off my applications! So terrified, I'm now checking my e-mail several times a day just to see if there are any developments. Some people have already got places which is making me feel incredibly nervous. Oh well, we'll see how things pan out. Fingers crossed!

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