
By KatPrice


Crap photo. Kept forgetting to take photos ALL day annoyingly, especially irritating as it was a very interesting day!

Attended a talk by Australian author Graeme Simsion on careers in fiction writing, really hilarious, interesting guy, and got a signed copy of his book 'The Rosie Project' (in cinemas soon). Got some really great advice on that novel that one day I will write.

Then it was 'How to write a better headline' with the Boar, much fun, much bants.

And, finally, Dr Catherine Alexander gave a talk from a paper she's writing on Shakespeare and War. Very interesting and has given me a great idea on what to write my essay on for my Shakespeare seminar. Very odd, no students stuck around for the free coffee and cake afterwards! Hilariously ended up being me chatting amongst a small group of older women - mature students, postgrads and such. There were giant scones with real clotted cream. I thought students went in for free food? They must have changed since my day. Either way, I don't care. Free cake. Should have taken a photo of that. Nom.

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