Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


As part of a day off yesterday, I went toured some properties that were being logged. My tour guide was a forrester and his level of knowledge and interest in the various species of trees was amazing. It is really unbelievable how much of a science there is to logging and managing the process in an environmentally friendly manner.

We drove be a logging crew working. The word "crew" sounds more impressive than it necessary. This was one man with his chain saw, pickup truck and tree skidder. Here we see the front of the skidder. This is a very impressive looking machine and the forrester told me that it could drive through just about anything. Looking at it, I do not doubt it.

Truthfully, the 12 year-old in me want to get behind the wheel of this thing and take it for a spin, but alas that was not to be. Instead, I had to make do with this picture. This is the rear of the skidder and the chains are used for pulling logs. You also see the tires with the vicious looking chains.

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Tweaked saturation and contrast in DPP

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