
By SeaGypsy49

Just enough rain....

.... to wash most of the dust off the car.
Still playing around with the Lumix, and then some 'Perfect Effects' effects. I do like their borders, most of all. This is the lily that grows 'wild' around here.
PJ had to take the boat for a service this morning. Only got the go-ahead late last night, as we didn't expect the chap to do it on a Saturday. Then he went into Blenheim to do a few things. First on the list was a hair & beard cut, before having passport photos taken. His normal barber not open, so had to pay $20.00 instead of about $11.00!! I told him that I could have done it for nothing, but he thinks that I cut it too short. Well, for $20.00 it is short!!
Anyway, he did manage to pick up the groceries, some wine for dinner tonight, and his supply of beer, and a bottle of whisky for me.

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