The River Avon

I took Dylan over to Holy Trinity Church and the river this morning for his morning walk. The river was still high, unsurprisingly; this is a picture of the Colin P Witter Lock with the Willows standing in water, across from the church.

This is the first time I’ve attempted one-handed photo taking whilst hanging onto a pulling dog. It was easier with my Lumix as that is lighter and has an electronic zoom; the HS50 is a manual zoom so a little more tricky. Still, worth a try.

Today is my wedding anniversary; I say mine as it was in 1973 and 2007 on this same date that I said my vows to two different women, men eh?

Anyway as a way of celebration we (Ann and I) went to the cinema to watch Bob Dylan’s Don’t Look Back; a fly-on-the-wall documentary made in 1965 of Dylan’s England Tour. Although rough and ready, shot on a hand-held camera, with some indistinct speech at times, it was a great insight into his tour on and off the stage, including Alan Price, Joan Baez and Donavon.

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