
Just the one bud but I kept thinking budding so budding is the title.

Back on the bike to work today. I think I biked to work in my sleep. I felt like a 'stunned mullet' all morning. Not even a cup of coffee had much impact on me. Still I beavered away at my computer and managed to be productive.

Biking home was a delight. All late spring blue sky, breeze and gardens a riot of colour. And the evenings are getting longer and longer (not that you northern hemisphere blippers wanted to know that ;-) It's the first day this week I haven't had a late appointment after work. Gosh it was nice to just come home and potter.

The cold thingy never came to much just enough to drag me down. Tired as a tired thing though. I guess Guy Fawks isn't going to help that.

Thank you for your kind comments on yesterday's blip of the painting I did. I suggested to my friend Dr B they might like to give me the painting back now it's framed. No such luck ;-)

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