Two Birds

Killing two birds with this one.

Part of Paladian's Mono Monday and I noticed a lot of blippers (here and here, for starters, posting photos of themselves as children and tagging them OldFashionSP.

Here I am with my sister, I'm the younger. I think I'd be two or three.
For some reason, my mother (caught in the background scratching her head) always dressed us in identical outfits, at least when we went to 'town'.
Imagine what she would have done if she'd had twins!
My curls were courtesy of a product called 'Curly Pet'. Well worth the effort, I'm sure you'll agree.
If we look angelic, I think it's because we were.
We all were in those days. No defiant behaviour and ADHD had yet to be invented:)

Can't work out where this was taken, but it would have been a street photographer in Sydney, circa 1949.

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