Help, please?

Up early and spent hours getting nowhere with a job proposal which needs to be finished before heading off on Monday.

Haircut in barber's place I hadn't been to before (badly needed for going away).

Meeting with ex-boss about work he wants done.

Lunch with chew-&-chat pal Tom.

Spotted this situation beside the door to the car park when I got back. Seemed to present a blip opportunity.

Work, work, work (reasonable progress).

A week ago, I left my MacBook in for logic board replacement under warranty. I explained that I was going away and could do with having the machine back for then (for photo uploading and so on). No problem, the guy said. That's straight-forward once we get the replacement board in. We'll have it for you in plenty of time. Phoned this morning since there was no word. 'Yes, that's booked in. One of our technicians had a bereavement during the week, though, so we're running behind.' 'WHAT? You mean it hasn't even been looked at yet?' 'I'm afraid not, sir.'

I read them the riot act, asked why I wasn't contacted about the delay and explained about the assurances I'd been given. I told them I'd never use their services again (it's TypeTec, incidentally), and that I'd report their appalling service to Apple (they're an authorised service provider).

I had my post-op assessment with the surgeon's medical team back in August. I was told that 'we don't want to see you again' but that I still needed to see the referring cardiologist and to get into cardiac rehab. I phoned the cardiologist's secretary over three weeks ago because I'd no word at that stage about an appointment. The surgeon's medical team told me they'd sort out a request for a place on the cardiac rehab scheme, and I'd assumed they'd also refer me to the cardiologist. Apparently not. I explained the situation and was told I'd either be phoned with a date or have an appointment card sent out to me. I still hadn't heard anything two weeks ago, phoned again and had to go through all the details again. I was told then that I'd hear nothing further until after the cardiologist's next clinic, which was ten days ago.

Still no word up to this morning, and I was beginning to panic because my tablets will run out while I'm in the South of France unless I get my prescription renewed, so I phoned again when I got back from lunch. This time I was told I hadn't been able to speak with the cardiologist's secretary because she's only there during the morning (nobody mentioned that before, of course). Once again I gave all the necessary details, and explained about the need for a new prescription. While I'd been told at first that yes, the cardiologist had issued an instruction for an appointment to be arranged, now the paperwork couldn't be found.

I was given 'a firm promise' that the appropriate secretary will phone me first thing in the morning. I don't think I'll hold my breath.

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