In His Element....

WATER! It was still cloudy, but no longer raining this morning, so I put on my Wellies and took Ozzie to the field. Every swale and culvert was running with water. In several places, the path had become the creek. In many places, Ozzie made the creek his path.

Several towels were needed when we got home, before I could devote myself to the task of rearranging the office...again!

While we were out, OilMan devoted himself to fixing the landslide down the back stairs, leaving me to figure out what to do with his piles of junk files. He gave up when Dana found the pink slip for the car, which he had been looking for for a week. He was positive it was in the car, which is now at their house, and she was equally positive it was in our house...somewhere.

As it turns out, it was in the very folder it has always been in, which was hidden buried in the back of a file drawer. Dana and I think he has too many files. and he should just get rid of the one file cabinet that doesn't seem to fit anywhere. He thinks I should get rid of my remaining half a drawer full. What's wrong with this picture?

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