Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Something small and pretty....

Some days I cannot think what to photograph - especially after a day when I have been out to London which presents countless photo opportunities. This morning was raining and cold, and I did not feel like going out in search of a subject. I decided to wander around our garden which has no flowers in it at all, being winter and us being lazy gardeners. I found these tiny flowers, I don't know what they are but I can tell you it was very difficult to photograph them as there was a breeze and in macro photography that breeze seems like a gale. It took many attempts before I could get some shots that were in focus.

At my older boys' school they have an annual 'Compulsory Run around School' - the distance differs according to the year group but I think the 6th form boys run about 7 miles. For the past three years the CRAS was run with snow lying on the ground, and there are brilliant photos of hundreds of boys in singlets and shorts braving the freezing weather. This year the race has had to be cancelled as the fields are so flooded. They are hoping to hold it in a few week's time when the flooding has subsided.

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