The second half of life..

By twigs

Cabbage White with greens!

Lol! There's a link there somewhere but I just can't quite catch it.

Anyway, today was a busy but definitely enjoyable day.......

Taught first 2 periods then a colleague and I took our combined year 12/13 classes out to the local Paint Ball park. The kids had a ball - some great stories to tell after each game, lots of activity, fun and friendship. It was a beautiful day which made it all the better for everyone. And no, the students didn't get a chance to shoot paint at us - for various reasons we both felt it was necassary for us to stay away from the field of play!!

This was, however, a mised blip opp as I didn't take the camera along.......

Ah well, at least the wildlife in my gardfen gets to experience blip fame once more!

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