
By dfb24

Barn Door #2

Tom & I went to my Aunt's funeral this afternoon..we hadn't even known she was having health problems. She was my godmother, & it's funny how often we saw her, my uncle, & my cousins as we were growing up..... but once my grandmother died, the families didn't get together as often, & as we all grew up, had families, and most especially after my parents had passed away, we didn't see her very often. I feel bad about that. It was good to see my cousins, as they live all over the U.S. so don't come together very often either. Lots of catching up! Bit of a shock to see their grandchildren so grown up--still picture them in my mind as toddlers! We stopped for a couple of pictures on the way home, & this was my favorite! Just suited my mood today--an old brightly colored barn door surrounded by stones that have stood for over a hundred & fifty years--solid, lasting, & full of memories, just like family.

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