
By WharfedaleBex

Chinese Whispers

This morning, I managed to snatch the snow before the rain set in. The dogs had a great time on the field, shoulder bumping each other as they charged around before we headed up onto the moor.

Yesterday, L had a cup of tea (yay!), soup, mashed potatoes, mushy peas (yak!) and gravy. She's had the stitches out of her neck, seen the speech therapist and is hopefully going home tomorrow. I think all of those things have lifted her spirits enormously.

Now, I'm not the best at remembering facts and L is a little similar so what began as scientific fact is now third hand and may not now be exactly correct. However, it went something like this...

The surgeons used part of L's wrist and arteries to recreate the missing part of her tongue. Apparently, in time, the wrist part of her tongue becomes the dominant tissue, becomes more tongue colour and takes over from the existing tongue completely. We thought that was amazing.

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