With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Blowing in the wind

How long does a weekend last?

Yesterday it seemed like some higher power was having a game of consequences. Today, they gave me a rest. The boys slept like logs until late. We had a lazy morning, and an apricot ensaimada brought by our vistor's parents. I had a brief trip to the square, where I apparently 'talked to my friends for two hours, whilst just ignoring my child' (Real time ten minutes, but Ben's time scale is different). I loved his turn of phrase.

The heavens opened with real avengence and huge hailstones in the late afternoon. We headed out to the Port and had a great chinese meal in the only place open (well, that we could afford). Dim sum included. Ben could only think of 6 reasons why he could not eat 100 basketfuls. It feels like a lovely Sunday evening now, and tomorrow, hailstones permitting, we are planning a trip to the mountains. I think I'm going to adopt Ben's perception of time for the rest of the weekend.
A different version of the song here :)

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