
By sueslife


For the next Olympics. I was happy with the shot I posted of the ice this morning with a lovely golden glow on the hills reflected in the ice but when I got home this afternoon I couldn't resist this shot. I've been imagining it for awhile trying to figure how to do it to make a statement about global warming. This stone belonged to our Dad who was an avid curler - he never curled on indoor rinks. He would practise on Ochlochy pond in Dunblane, go to bonspiels on the Lake of Mentieth and around Perthshire throughout the 50's and 60's. I've heard that the lakes lochs and ponds rarely freeze like that anymore.

I've tagged this for dbiculco's Alternatice Winter Games as I think we should push for the new sport of water curling

(This was not photoshopped.. water on top of ice!)

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