Leaving Town

I'm leaving the town, at least that is if I would live here around the year 1355 after Christ - lets say 600 years before I was born.

This is the Amsterdamse Poort - an old city gate of Haarlem.

It is located at the end of the old route from Amsterdam to Haarlem and the only gate left from the original twelve city gates. It was created in 1355 and is the only remaining city gate from the defenses of Haarlem.

Until the 17th century it was the city gate used for traffic by land eastwards towards Amsterdam.

A nice detail is that the road ends in Amsterdam at the City gate called Haarlemmer Poort and the little town exactly in between is called Halfweg (Halfway ;-))

I've portrayed it twice before.
on march 21st, 2013 Spring
on july 14th, 2013 Independence day

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