The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A little bit lost ..

When I got back from my morning outing mum seemed fine .. but very soon wasn't.

She was asking if she had to go to 'that place', (respite, I assume) and when I asked why she thought that she said 'because of all the secrets'.

She seemed really lost .. I kept asking her about it. Eventually she said she was afraid of what was to come.

You'd think I'd got to the bottom of things then, wouldn't you? But no. There's no logic to any of this. I tried to get her to explain .. we got nowhere .. I suggested what I thought she could mean .. nope ..

The closest I got was when I told her I remember very well having dreadful food poisoning, and tossing and turning all night and having really odd feelings which I don't really remember in detail now, and couldn't explain to anyone then. She said that was it..

When I thought she was calmer I took the risk of going out to Sunk Island.

In the morning I had seen this rather fine swan.

In the afternoon I saw my barn owl - who was very early today!

But I had to blip the lovely little owl - such appealling little beasties :)

Thankfully when I got home she was perfectly fine.

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