Sunday things

Lazy Sunday in Laidley.
At one stage during the night, I think all five of us were woken by the new cat wanting to play/nuzzle/lick necks/jump on heads.
Made omelettes for breakfast.
Ate some shortbread.
J and D attempted (somewhat unsuccessfully) to give one of the dogs a clippering in time for summer.
Watched some Family Guy.
Late lunch of leftover Chinese.
Snapped a couple of shots of butterflies - would have liked the buggers to stay still a little longer and let me get a bit closer (have cropped quite a bit)... this shot could be a lot better.
Back to the airport.
Plane to Melbourne.

Writing this from home and have backblipped yesterday's frog (attack).

After predictions of storms and stinking hot days, the weather in Laidley was very pleasant. Have arrived home to a hot house though, with weather in the 30s set to continue all week.

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