Do you Love Someone Enough....... give them your last Rolo?........I do!

Heres one I prepared earlier. Its hidden under the sofa ready for later when we are snuggled up on the sofa watching 'Turbo' having eaten Heart Shaped Roast Potatoes and Heart Shaped Steak- also preprared earlier (yesterday!). Ok, Mr W will be eating the steak - I don't eat meat - but that just goes to show how much I love him, cutting up bits of cow into Heart shapes!!

He wanted to see Turbo in the cinema but we never got round to it, so I bought the DVD as a Surprise. It even comes with a Little Snail Toy. Little Things ay?!

We decided this year, no cards, no flowers (as he gets them weekly for me anyway and didn't want to pay Valentine prices) and no gifts, but he cant stop me cooking dinner, eating chocolate, drinking expensive wine or watching a DVD can he??!! and I might have bought some Heart shaped Sparklers!!!

I am hoping however, that as I have taken the day off to be together, that he might take me to Wisleys Butterfly House today. But I have a feeling the bad Weather might be his excuse to stay tucked up indoors all day, Oh well, at least we will be together.

Happy Valentines day to all you Lovely Blippers.


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