
By SilverImages


Most of the day spent catching up on Blip and processing photos from my extended "weekend". Lots to do, probably take me until the beginning of next week to catch up.

Really pleased with some of the results, have to get a selection of photos to put together in a little animated presentation for those who were there with me. It'll also be a useful way of promoting what I do as well - it's like the ones Facebook has now started doing. I started doing them last year, putting my holiday photos together with a bit of music to create a little "video".

There is an overlap with business here too, as there is in so much of Life. No matter how I try to compartment it, one seeps into the other. Even when out meeting new friends, they want to know what I "do", and that has led to business commissions. I was uncomfortable about that initially, but why fight it? Even this evening K had a visitor to talk about "business". She asked to introduce myself to him, which I did with the usual niceties; he asked what I did - then followed up with "you're just the sort of person we're looking for". I politely declined - I've been self employed for far too long now and full time jobs don't work for me. There's plenty to do on a freelance basis.

My photo for today came as I was about to settle down for the night. We've been shifting furniture around one of the bedrooms - have the pulled muscle to show for it! Inevitably the dust that's gathered behind there has to be cleaned before re-setting the room, hence the vacuum cleaner. As it stood there it reminded me of the formula one cars styling, the drivers cockpit and wheels - and always bright primary colours.

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