City Boy

By kwasi

It Says it All!

A more relaxed day. New dining room furniture bought yesterday, today deliver grandson to Portuguese class and deliver rebellious iPad to John Lewis who will send it to where bad iPAds go for re-education or replacement, then home, all through a cold very wet morning, trying to snap a shot or two as I went. Home for a bite of lunch, a few pleasant domestic chores, a read, then off to dinner this evening with the family to celebrate daughter's birthday than back here for coffee and presents. Last birthday of the season which gives time for everyone to recover financially before mine in July!

I had a few possible blips. I was tempted to rant about the trams (vastly over budge, vastly late and one shortened route but don't get me started!) which are (still) coming a few years late but that would cheer no-one up. I decided on this one which summed up the morning - although as I came home the weather improved immeasurably. Smile and have a great weekend.

ps the loss of my iPad may inhibit my comments on your journals. I'll keep up as best I can so bear with me please.

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