Quaffing Again!

Oh what a lovely day! It is Carole's birthday on Wednesday so we started the celebrations today and went to Rawtenstall to A Right Royal Teashop for afternoon tea. Tracey, Ellen, Carole and I tucked into sandwiches then scones with lashings of jam and cream. The teapots were refilled at least three times and we had a great time. We saved the cupcakes to take back to Carole's because they slip down so well with champagne.

It might have been cold, it might have been windy and the rain was splatting against the windows, but who cares when you are with your best friends. It was a shame Pat was busy but she managed to join us when we went to Carole's. Andrew had set up the champagne ready for our return...he makes the best champagne cocktails...and we were soon quaffing merrily. Well we laughed until we had tears in our eyes.

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