Happy Birthday to You!!

Today was the day of Miss L's long awaited birthday party. She had a brilliant time!!
I had a terrible night probably stressing about it. Miss L came in and wriggled and kicked for a few hours which didn't help!
I eventually gave in and got up just before 6.30am. And made a couple of dozen Rice Krispie cakes.
And cooked a few dozen sausages.
To go with the Jaffa cakes, cheese puffs, Babybels, marshmallows and prawn cocktail crisps.
And - so I didn't look like the worst mother in the world - grapes, carrots, tomatoes and strawberries!
We'd booked an entertainer who was fantastic. She kept a roomful of three and four year olds (and a smattering of five and six year olds) happy for two hours. And the smile hardly left Miss L's face!
Apart from after a particularly strenuous session under the parachute. She stumbled over to me and said she was a bit tired!
You and me both love as you spent half the night wriggling in my bed and kicking me until I was forced out of bed to start cooking for your party.......
It was a fabulous party and I think all the children enjoyed themselves.
Miss L has some lovely friends and they have lovely Mummies!
Tonight I will be eating Rice Krispie cakes (and some of the other eight tons of food that was leftover!) and then taking to my bed as early as possible.

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