Assembly Day

I know it's Valentine's Day and I should be Blipping roses and chocolates and champagne and love hearts.....
But Mr K is not very good at Valentine's Day!
I got a full tank of fuel!!
Miss E had her first class Assembly this morning which was fantastic. They did a presentation on all the things they'd learnt about Australia this term. They all stood up and gave facts, read poems they'd written, read a story, sang songs, showed their pictures and the boomerangs they'd made.
It was so sweet. They all did so well!
Miss E so obviously enjoyed it. She read her fab poem beautifully:
In Australia I saw....
A crocodile in the sea
A kookaburra in a tree
A wallaby with his mum
A lizard having lots of fun
A snake that baked me
A tarantula that ate me!

It was a tough choice today. Miss E and her masterpiece or this one. But it was Miss E's day so she won!
After the assembly Mr K and I went to Milton Keynes as I needed to get a few things for my holiday.
Mr K redeemed himself after his big fat Valentine's fail and bought me a new bag, a sun hat, a swimming costume, sunglasses, a couple of tops, pyjamas and a new sponge bag.
And took me to lunch in Wagamamas.
It was a lovely day. But completely exhausting! I will never understand how people enjoy shopping, it's like a nightmare feat of endurance to me!!
But it's done and it was nice to have a day out with Mr K.
He even took me to John Lewis and let me watch him eat my free cake.
He's a keeper!!

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