
One Street: Market Square, Shipley #111

See the style parade (worth the effort I think)

It wasn't easy having to go into the office on a Saturday when I should by rights have been somewhere else with someone very special. I was glad that it was a rather miserable day. I thought I had a few good shots on the card and was walking back to the office at lunchtime when I spotted this group of people approaching. I had to be very quick. The more people there are the more difficult it is to take a candid shot without attracting attention so I took this from the hip and managed to get the photograph I wanted. This had to be the one to be posted today.

It is so much easier to get work done at the weekend when the phone is quiet and there are no interruptions. I managed to get a lot of things sorted. A lot of you are surely wondering about my work situation. We're a small software company of just six people with a number of prototype applications nearing completion but without any contracts in place. One project has been delayed and one has had to be fast-tracked forward so that both are due to be delivered at the same time. We have clients who are committed to buying the software if we can provide and prove all the functionality they need. Both have thrown up some last minute issues that need to be sorted. The stakes are very high right now. Failing to deliver on time isn't really an option. And we're in that position, which I'm sure a lot of small organisations find themselves in, where we're so stretched that to bring someone else in at the moment would actually slow us down. Whether we get the business or not, it will get easier soon. It has to because I can't keep this up for much longer!

Eldest son popped over tonight and had dinner waiting for me when I got home just after 9pm. It was great to catch up with him. He actually has a plan for the next phase of his life after university. And it's one I can definitely back.

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