
By stellarossa

Flood Wall

Old friends Sophie and Jeremy cycled over in the sunshine and we wandered over the railway bridge to South Hinksey village which has been badly affected by flooding. There we found a substantial flood wall being constructed by soldiers - huge concrete blocks were being sealed together, covered in a thick plastic membrane and piled up with sandbags. Behind this wall the last of the flood water was being pumped from the village. Many of the houses have flood gates across their front doors and, judging from the amount of mud and silt on their pavements and driveways, they have needed them.

The water in my garden has now gone down completely, and whilst the allotments are still wet, the road is open and functioning fine.

Jeremy kindly posed by the flood wall….

When I came home Josh admitted to taking a large piece of the rather disastrous cake I had made "I thought Sophie had made it so took a huge piece" he told me sheepishly. Sophie is a fabulous cook, the poor boy must have been very disappointed when he tasted my attempt.

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