
By stellarossa

Dino BlipMeet

I met Arachne, Ross, and work colleague (and potential blipper) Rick at Oxford's wonderful Natural History Museum just before dawn as it reopens after a year of renovations to its glass roof. This is my favourite building in Oxford. Just a handful of us were there as the doors opened…. giving plenty of time and space to take photos and enjoy the atmosphere. Later it will be packed with families.

It turned out to be fiendishly hard to photograph though - too many lines and layers. I wanted to capture two key elements - the new roof, and the T-Rex, in a single shot and this is my best shot that does both. I'll post more images later when I have worked out how to do it!

In other news:
Tom has an MRI scan at 8.40pm tonight
Flood waters are not rising as much as feared
We started painting the bathroom!

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