Brazen thief

Went for a gentle stroll to the zoo entrance and parks to watch families enjoying the day off in the sun. A paan seller demonstrated making up his leaves to order – buyers asked for different ingredients according to their taste. Horses used for marriage ceremonies were having a day out and were in great demand for rides – made a good change for them and as there wasn't any band 'music' it must be a great relief!

Pigeons were everywhere eating maize and wheat that had been thrown down for them. The astronomers give people instructions as to what animal it is best for them to feed in order to obtain their wish or whatever is good for their karma. Birds, cows and stray dogs benefit but you can't help thinking it would be good to add starving street kids to the list.

Finished up in the chicken market where this healthy looking rat was making quick forays to collect feet and wing tips discarded by the butcher – he must have made at least 10 trips as I watched and he hid the loot under an old metal cage except for a feathered wing tip with which he rushed away to line his nest. As he laboured a marmalade cat lay in the sun not two yards away but a tiger cat came by and spoiled my fun by hanging around too long.

Paan making and people watching,

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