Burst of Colour...

on a very wet and dreich day out there! Windy, freezing rain, snow, more rain....just basically crap out there! But i'm happily inside, warm and being playful and creative. Found a wonderful book at the library last night (we went to a friends talk on meditation) an artists guide to painting flowers and all things botanical! it has some wonderful images in it. I took the inspiration and did a little watercolour of my lovely tulips, a realistic rendering which i'm not used to doing...but it was fun and it was a good exercise in 'seeing'!

But this pastel painting i started yesterday, believe it or not has it's roots in this image! I know, you're shaking your heads, how did she get from there to here....i have no idea...i just do what i'm told!

Back to another one i think! it's always difficult to know when it's done....so because i'm questioning where else to go with this one i'm assuming it's done!

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