Keith B

By keibr

Medieval Mass...

...or to be more accurate a mass in a medieval style. The not so medieval bits are...
We are sitting down. Men, women and children are together. The service is only 30 minutes long.
The medieval bits...
The church is from medieval times. There is no heating so it's currently -4C. The illumination comes from 36 candles. The music is medieval.
The event starts as we park our cars in the darkness, then gather around a brazier drinking hot chocolate and chatting. We light flaming torches and the darkness retreats a little. As we walk in a procession towards the church we are easing ourselves gently away from the 21st century. The torches are left at the church gate and we come to the church through the darkness. From the outside we see a faint light in the windows. As we come into the church the light seems to grow brighter and modern time is even more distant. We sit down on sheepskins and I actually put on hat and gloves as it's colder in here than outside. In the dim light it is hard to see who is who, especially as everyone is so very well wrapped up. We sing, listen to a short sermon, listen to music, and look at the ancient paintings and patterns in the candlelight. The priest, officiants and musicians are just dark shadows. Our breath clouds around us, especially when we sing our songs of God and nature. The service ends and we come out into the relative warmth (+2C) of the outside world. We walk down through the darkness to where the cars are parked and slowly climb back into the 21st century.

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