
By sp33dway


Yesterday morning I started having an asthma attack during my Metafit bootcamp class. We were doing Perfect Storm and I was doing ok, until about two thirds in when my inhaler stopped having any effect and my breathing just wasn't happening, especially when trying to do planks or plankyhold things like crab walks and the like. By the time I'd driven home I was having a full blown attack on a scale which I've not had for about ten years, tingling lips, face and fingers - the works. I'd actually forgotten how to deal with the anxiety of it all, and it scared me. It pissed me off too, and I found myself unable to shake off my narkypants until lunchtime today when sitting in Chester Zoo eating tuna butties on a picnic bench in the sun watching littleA doing her Dr Doolittle routine feeding cheeky spadgersparrows the remnants of her uneaten crusts.

After bumbling into an old work buddy whilst looking gormlessly for my vanishing-act daughter on the 'playpark ark', I decided to tackle my fears of another attack happening and went for a run tonight, Trail Runner USB aglow. Maybe it was the amazing Sunday roast ladySp33d cooked for dinner or maybe it was me gaining control, but I had a great (short) run and needed no puff of the ventolin or even a glimmer of chestytightness.

Get. In.

Afterwards it dawned on me I'd bypassed the usual 4 days of post-Metafit recovery: Since I started metafit a month ago I've struggled with being able to walk properly for the first couple of days afterwards, but today I felt a lot better. I even walked down the stairs without holding the bannister, which is really something.

I'm going to the asthma clinic later in the week for a review of my meds just to be safe, but hopefully won't have a repeat performance next Saturday. In fact sod that. I definitely won't.

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