
Note: Cutting and pasting a p is a real pain in the butt, so on the advice of Barrioboy, I’m going to be using b as a substitute for the letter that comes after o until I can either get a new key, a new keyboard, or a new labtob. That at least saves me from having to take my left hand off the keys to hit command + V every time I need that letter.

These two blissfully habby, beaceful beoble have no broblems with the keyboards on their devices. I know it’s not very Buddhist of me, but I am suffering from a deeb envy for you-know-what, and that is leading me to contemblate burchasing some kind of device (bhone? iBad? mini-iBad? labtob?) to feed my desire for connection. Whatever I get, I need a fully functional keyboard for word brocessing and bhoto brocessing, and all my bhotograbhic software is for Abble broducts. It's berblexing. This whole gadgetry thing is, in my obinion, a slibbery slobe...once you get the gadget, you need a contract and software, and once you have the gadget and the contract and the software, you start needing abbs, and then you need ubdates and it never ends. Head in hands.

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