
By mollymay49

P is for... Peppermint Tree

Glyn finished work early this afternoon, we had an appointment with the audiologist to fit his new hearing aid to replace the broken one, also to fine tune it for his hearing loss, all is well now and he is now able to hear, two ears are definitely better than one..

We drove to Yanchep for a BBQ it was a lovely 27c at 5pm, the park has quite a few Peppermint Trees, as well as the many eucalyptus trees this blip is one if them, instead of blipping the wild life in the park I thought it was about time you saw the Flora as well as the Fauna.

Agonis Flexuosa: it's common name is the W.A Weeping Peppermint Tree.
Flexuosa occurs mainly as a small and robust tree, usually less than 10 metres tall, although it may grow to 15 metres. It has fibrous, brown bark, and long, narrow, dull green leaves, with tightly clustered inflorescences of small, white flowers, It grows in a weeping habit, and looks remarkably like the weeping willow from a distance. Leaves are narrow and reach a length of 150mm. It is most readily identified by the powerful odour of peppermint emitted when the leaves are crushed or torn.
It flowers between August and December. The fruit is a hard capsule, 3 – 4 mm across, with three valves containing many small seeds..
(Info from Wikipedia)

DDW Challenge: 2014
Alphabet Challenge Topic: P is for....

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