Unique Feature...

Our house has a feature which I guess isn't unique but I'm pretty sure it's quite rare.

In our upstair hall cupboard we have a gun cabinet. This key is the main key to the hall cupboard but the door all locks with 2 deadbolt things, one at the top on which it is hanging and one at the bottom. The kind that has those star/bar type keys.

When you get into the cupboard, the gun cabinet is a metal case attached to the inside wall which is lockable as well. The give away sign was the shaped foam rests into which the firearms would fit.

It is now a decorating cabinet holding all our old paint.

It was only tonight that I made the connection with our neighbour across the road. I'm not sure if I have mentioned this but I often see on occasion, people turning up at the house with guns in their carry cases/bags. The people go straight through the back garden, no knocking on the front door. I got speaking to his wife the other day there and as I suspected, he is a registered gunsmith and also once did competition shooting for Scotland.

It's probably a good bet that he serviced the guns that may once have lived in our cupboard.

Ever since I noticed this odd visitor behaviour across the road, I've added our neighbour to my blipbank. One of these days I'd love to get a photo of him in his workshop.

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