
One of the good things about regularly walking around the block is I've met people I didn't know in my neighbourhood.

Just around the corner facing the park lives Val in her 80s and with her wee companion dog Rosie. I'm not always a fan of small dogs but Rosie is delightful and she gives Val a huge amount of pleasure and companionship.

Val and I track each others foot progress, her gout and my break. We're both doing well :-)

It's good to go past and wave to her and Rosie sitting inside and watching the world go by. Sometimes I take her some fresh beans. I produce more than I can eat and she appreciates them.

Rosie has got to know me and I look forward to her running out to great me. She has a lovely personality. I didn't think I'd say that about a Bichon Frise let alone blip one, but there you go ;-)

Large is more cute

I have physio at 7am (yes, 7am - it's not a typo) in the morning. This should be the true measure of how I'm doing.

I've back blipped yesterday's scorcher.

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