Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

AOG - C'mon Pete you can do it!

Let's face it, it's pretty scary when you're faced with one of the most perilous leaps in the entire Alternative Olympics!! Pete the Pelican was having a lot of trouble at this stage of proceedings and his personal trainer Charlie was giving him one hell of a motivational pep talk.

"You can do this Pete, you've trained your whole life for just this moment. Think of all the training, think of the kids at home, think of you're Mum and Dad who would be so proud of you, think of the million dollar sponsorship deals..... Just jump will you, you big sook!!

Pete's home town is Kiama a lovely little coastal village just south Sydney. He's had the most idyllic conditions to train in and the whole village is behind him.

Just a Post Script on the Dolly Parton Concert - Have to admit it was a bit sneaky to take the image of Dolly for yesterday's Blip, but I can tell you that it was taken from about 40 metres away and no flash was used in the taking of the pic!!. You should have seen the one's I couldn't use. Very difficult conditions when you have strobe lighting and very bright lights to contend with!! I also wanted to mention the wonderful program that Dolly started in the United States and that she has just launched in Australia. If you're interested in knowing a little more about the Imagination Library you can just follow this link.

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