Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat


Team Oz have been absolutely perplexed at the inability of Pete Pelican to make a "Leap of Faith" and (yes skater you hit the nail on the head) do his triple twisting somersault, that was until we uncovered a major security breach. Sorry to say fellow Blippers but an opposing team had sent in a drone, yes a drone to film every twist and turn of this epic performance.

Up until now it had just been the odd dummy spit by some of the competitors, but this has taken it to another level. Team Oz brought in the big guns and Sammy Seagull flew in late this afternoon to take this up with the Olympic Organising Committee and file an official complaint!.

Team OZ uncovered the drone on the headlands at Kiama near the Big Blow hole late this afternoon. What a disgrace! We're just hoping the it had nothing to do with the very mischievous Dudley-Kiev who has been hauled over the coals by Team US for more than one misdemeanour so far!! We'll keep you posted........

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