Morning Visitor

It's been a crazy day today.  We had so much to do and yet we found it so hard to get going.  We have sat watching the news broadcasts coming out of Queensland about Cyclone Marcia that had been bearing down on the coast just north of Bundaberg and of course we're extremely anxious for CCN's family who live there.

This lovely kookaburra came along just at the right time and had a great time laughing and carrying on with his mates.  It was just what we needed to break the tension of it all.

l can report that the cyclone has started to lose its mojo since crossing the coast and it looks like Bundaberg will escape the worst of it despite the fact that they are being battered by torrential rain as I type.  It's so hard to be so far away from family and friends when there is a crisis looming.

Our thoughts are with those Queenslanders who have born the brunt of this monster - Marcia.  Time will tell once things settle as to the extent of the damage.

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