A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Hole in the ground -

- big and sort of round it was ----

Well we think we have been lucky with the recent weather as we haven't experienced floods but the weather is still showing its effects. Most UK blippers will have seen that a sink hole opened up in Ripon North Yorks yesterday and a house that has been there for over 100 years is now in danger of collapse.

This is our very own sink hole at the top of our cul de sac. It appears last week and we actually drove over it last Thursday morning and reversed back for another look. As we were picking a friend up to go out for the day we didn't report it but when we got home these comes had appeared.

We haven't seen any activity since except a Yorkshire water van coming to take a look.
It is a relatively small hole but in the picture top right you can see further cracks in the tarmac surrounding it. A bit too close for comfort even if it is quite small!

Very Spring like after the early morning gloom and most of the crocus were open in the brief late morning sunshine. I even went down to town without a coat! Due to change again tomorrow though.

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