
By lemonzest


Looked like some of the neighbours had surgery today. Perhaps the large boughs of their linden were too close to their power cables. They seemed to have a large stack of firewood, which will doubtless be a great joy to them. I think they are rather proud of this tree, which is quite a splendid example. The one that stood in our garden once, before our time, was struck by lightning.

I went for a walk in the forest in the afternoon. There were plenty of signs that foresters, official or unofficial had been busy. There were marsh tits and a woodpecker that were in the garden earlier. Strange how unrelated birds stick together sometimes. They were mostly too high up the trees to see, other than one inverted marsh tit that I managed to frame.

The pig situation hasn't improved. The Belarusians are offering to kill all the wild boar, but I think that the vets this side think it wouldn't work anyway. Someone suggested a fence along the border, but for one thing the bison wouldn't like it and for another, it would be too late by the time they decided to do it. A friend of mine last year said that you would need a gun every 20 meters along the whole border to stop the boar coming through and then someone would fall asleep.

The letter to be signed eventually arrived at 4pm.

A new computer chair was ordered.

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